People can feel when they are not valued. People can read between the lines of what their bosses think about them. And when you work for someone like that, it’s tough to find your own motivation to do your best. After all, if you don’t feel valued, why bother?
Championship sports teams value their team mates. They play as one. They value each other. They recognize each other’s strengths. They depend on their team mates and their coaches. They are in-sync. And when that happens, motivation to give their very best performance is high.
When an employee lacks motivation, there is a corresponding reduction in engagement. That affects productivity. Without motivation to give their best, an employee will be more apt to take shortcuts. Shortcuts impact safety. Keep employees focused, engaged and motivated to do their very best. It can build a team of high-performers willing to value themselves and each other. The best way to protect their value is by ensuring each others’ safety.
Motivation plays a clear role in engagement and, subsequently, safety. Here are four ways you can improve the motivation of your team:
1Have clear expectations. Employees without goals or things to improve upon will become unfocused and aimless. If employees don’t see the point of the work, they won’t put their heart into the work. Without full engagement, it’s nearly impossible for workers to find the motivation to give their best. But, when a supervisor can show the employee what the expectations are, then there has been meaning placed on the work. There is a goal to move toward. When an employee can see clearly where they need to focus and why it’s important, they can motivate themselves. It's so much easier to get behind something of meaning.
2Give continuous feedback. People cannot improve without feedback. If they don’t know how they are doing, they won’t know that they have to improve. Feedback should focus on both their strengths and areas of improvement. Recognize that which they do well. Address that which needs attention. Through regular feedback, you and the employee get the chance to fix things in the moment, not tomorrow or next week in a meeting. Ensure that the feedback for improvement is given privately. The feedback for recognition can be public.
3Adjust your people-view. If you don’t believe in their abilities, they won’t believe in their abilities. It’s tough to motivate yourself when you know that your boss doubts your ability. If you doubt their abilities, they will find it difficult to find their own motivation to do the work better. But if you have faith that you have good, competent people on your team, you will treat them as such. If you believe it, they will believe it. Motivation improves when you place an expectation of being capable of more upon them.
4Be disciplined. Not for them as much as you. An inconsistent effort in providing positive feedback will seem disingenuous. This is especially true in the early stages as the team is finding its legs. You must be disciplined to do this daily. Always have a positive thing to say, have clear expectations, and view your people as valuable and valued members of your team. They will come to expect that you are there for them and they will be there for you. Make it a point to touch your team members each day with something positive. The more you do it, the more you will feel motivated to do more of it. They will come to expect it.
Motivation isn’t about outside stimulation. It’s about recognizing value and potential in each of your team’s abilities. It’s about positive, continuous growth. Improve an employee’s motivation to do the work and you improve their motivation to do the work safely.
Kevin Burns gives engaging, entertaining and inspiring presentations to front-line employees at safety meetings. He also works with supervisors and managers on-site or in keynote presentations at conferences. Kevin helps organizations integrate caring for and valuing employees through their safety programs. Kevin Burns is a management consultant, safety leadership speaker and author of 9 books. He is based in Calgary, Canada.
©2016 ZeroSpeak Corporation and Kevin Burns.
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