6 Key Parts of Improving Safety Culture

Posted by Kevin Burns on Dec 12, 2018 1:07:00 PM

What employees want from the job can change your culture.

In my last post (When Employees Don't Give You Safety Performance), I presented an overview of what employees want from their supervisors and immediate managers. This time around, we are going to take a look at what employees want from their jobs. Because if they don’t get what they want from their job, why would you expect them to give their best effort, especially in safety?

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When Employees Don't Give You Safety Performance

Posted by Kevin Burns on Dec 5, 2018 1:07:00 PM

If they’re not giving you safety, it’s because you’re not giving them what they want.

To paraphrase a quote, the secret to getting what you want is to help enough other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar said that. He wasn’t wrong. Help enough other people get a win for themselves and they are more likely to help you get your win.

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Stop Dumb Safety Goal-Setting

Posted by Kevin Burns on Oct 17, 2018 1:07:00 PM

Focus on the plan to improve the things you're not already doing. Not the goal.

Once upon a time, in the mid-90’s, I was working in a sales job. At the start of each month, our sales manager would assemble all the sales reps in a room and ask each of us for our specific sales goal for the month. He wasn't asking us what our plan was to make more sales. He was asking for a number.

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Once You Have A Safety System ... Now What?

Posted by Kevin Burns on Sep 26, 2018 1:07:00 PM

A safety system by itself doesn't make the organization any safer.

Driving instructors have a system for teaching people to drive. Sports coaches have a system for improving player performance. Almost everything in this world has a system. There’s even a system for generating your paycheck. But, the system doesn't pay out unless someone tells it to.

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The One Clarifying Question for Effective Safety Communication

Posted by Kevin Burns on Sep 19, 2018 1:07:00 PM

To improve employee participation in the safety program, clear communications are key.

If you are going to communicate something in safety, what do you want to have happen? How exactly do you want your people to participate?

Informing people isn’t enough anymore. Your people are already bombarded with, on average, four thousand marketing messages each day. Everywhere they look, they are getting access to another message – competing with your safety message - even as recently as this morning. 

But let's say that you are above-average in compelling and engaging your people’s attention during a morning safety meeting, as soon as they leave the meeting, they are faced with hundreds more messages that all compete for attention. So, to combat this, you have to be clear.

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Do This One Thing to Make People Care About Safety

Posted by Kevin Burns on Sep 12, 2018 1:07:00 PM

If you want people to care about safety, you have to first care about them.

I was working with a group of minesite supervisors and we were discussing the needs of employees and how a supervisor can make sure that employee needs were being met. I asked this question: how can you show your employees that, as supervisors, you care?

Here are some of the responses:

  • Give good communication
  • Improve your listening skills
  • Be respectful of their needs
  • Demonstrate persistence
  • Engage them in problem-solving
  • Recognize employees for their good work
  • Take a time-out with employees
  • Help employees to re-focus
  • Show support for your people especially when they need it.

All good answers. In fact, a lot of necessary answers. But the answer that wasn’t mentioned was, perhaps, too obvious. It is the one thing that supervisors, managers, safety people, executives, and even fellow workers must do to show their fellow employees that they care.

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5 Key Ingredients to Building Safety Engagement

Posted by Kevin Burns on Aug 29, 2018 1:07:00 PM

If you want to change safety performance, you have to change the approach and the conversation.

In safety, there are no trade secrets. The same set of rules apply to every company within an industry. Construction safety applies to all builders. Mining safety is the same for every mine. Electrical safety is the same for every electrician. Whatever your industry, your competitors don’t get a leg up because they have different rules to play by. Everyone has the same rules and the same code.

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The Most Influential Person in Safety Is Not Who You Think

Posted by Kevin Burns on Aug 1, 2018 1:07:00 PM

We have the best people and the best safety processes more than ever, so you have to wonder why we are still hurting people?

For 50 years, safety has been promoted as being all about rules, processes, regulations, paperwork, inspections, reporting. We’ve organized a lot of meetings, and talked far too much about rules, and we’ve endured death by Powerpoint, and tried to get traction on the cutesy slogans, and tired, worn-out clichés. Oh, sure we've developed some new technology but mostly to make it easier to pencil-whip checklists and file reports. There’s not much that has been developed to make safety more engaging, and inspiring, and motivating.

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(Video) It Seems Like Your People Don't Care About Safety, But...

Posted by Kevin Burns on Jul 18, 2018 1:02:00 PM

It seems like your people don't care about safety, but they do. Yes, your people do care about safety. They just don't care the way you care about it, because they see safety differently than you do.

Everyone cares about something. However, what's appealing and motivating to you is not always appealing and motivating to someone else. Your goals for safety improvement may be important to you, but your people need to have a benefit in working harder to reach those goals.

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The 2 Approaches to Safety Meetings That Are Wrong ... and what to do.

Posted by Kevin Burns on Jul 11, 2018 4:12:02 PM

There are two approaches taken to safety meetings and usually both are wrong. This video explores the two most common forms of ineffective safety meeting ... and what to do instead. In this video, you will learn:

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