Sending People Home Safe Is Not Most Important

“Sending people home safe” has become an all too familiar phrase. It has become that thing people say when they used to say "safety first." It's a phrase that rolls off your tongue in an effort to prove that you have a commitment to safety. But there's a problem with it.

Sending people home safely is actually the least you can do. It’s what employees expect you to do. They show up at work expecting to go home safely. But truthfully, anyone simply enforcing rules can get people home safely.

Sending people home safe does not make you a safety leader. It's what you do beyond the minimum expectations that makes you a leader. And you could be doing a lot more. Watch the video.

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Kevin Burns is a management consultant, speaker and author of "PeopleWork: The Human Touch in Workplace Safety." He is an expert in how to engage people in safety and believes that the best place to work is always the safest place to work. Kevin helps organizations align their people, leadership. communication and safety in order to improve performance and culture.

Topics: safety culture, safety marketing, safety communications, peoplework, safety complacency