Safety is in the midst of a change in perception: from a compliance program to a lifestyle choice.

2015 is the year that you are going to see an emergence of attitude being a major factor when it comes to workplace safety. That doesn’t mean that the process safety will take a back seat. Besides improving the safety process, safety attitudes will create buy-in to the safety program.
Here are the Top 10 Safety Attitude Strategies that you will have to adopt to stay one step ahead of the pack in safety for 2015:
10Workplace demographics change. This year, 75% of the North American workforce will fall into one of two categories: either over the age of fifty or under the age of thirty. This year, there are more young workers alongside almost-retiring workers. They have the same safety supervisor. But, what motivates a young workers is far different than what motivates a 60+ worker. If you want to reach all employees, get busy learning what they want from the safety program.
9Entertainment for safety. All things boring alienate young workers. And it should. They’ve had entertainment at the end of their arm their whole lives. Boring safety meetings don’t inspire. A top-notch safety program needs engaging safety meetings. Without them, you’ll lose their attention and attendance. They'll find a more exciting place to work.
8Attitude over aptitude. Safety attitude must become a big consideration. For young workers, there has never been work that didn’t involve safety. The “safety gene” must play a larger part in how companies staff. Contract crews with specialization in safety will squeeze older workers who don’t buy-in.
7Get off of minimum standards. Meeting minimum safety code will no longer be enough. The market is already beginning to dictate safety requirements beyond minimum. In many industries, you need a COR (Certificate of Recognition) just to bid on work. If you are only meeting minimum standards, you will struggle with finances in 2015. If you want to play with the big boys and the safety leaders, you’re going to have to up your game.
6Safety equals cash flow. Finally, safety takes its seat at the boardroom table. Safety performance affects sales. Safety determines what kinds of workers you attract. Safety is the reason that current employees will either stay or seek someplace else to work. The best place to work is always the safest place to work. Period. And companies that keep their employees safe will maximize profits while keeping expenses down.
5Safety is a team sport. The success of the safety program is not dependent on the safety supervisor. When employees become close, build camaraderie and care about each other, safety success results. When crew members care about each other, they become a cohesive team that watches out for each other. They also care about the quality of the work they perform. As a team they will have each other’s backs and do excellent work.
4Your position is irrelevant. Safety was once reserved for those with certification. But today, every position and every employee handles safety. The hierarchies that once existed in safety are over. It’s not just people with certification who understand and speak safety. Safety belongs to everyone.
3Referee or coach? The safety manager is no longer a referee handing out penalties when employees don’t follow procedure. The safety manager or supervisor is now a coach. The coach is on the sidelines providing the inspiration and motivation for the players to put themselves in a position to win.
2Get good one-on-one. If you want your employees to buy-in to the safety program, you will never get it done by having more safety meetings. The corporate safety values and the employee’s personal values have to align before buy-in can happen. That means getting out of the office and onto the front line to engage employees, one-on-one.
1Be worth following. Leadership has nothing to do with management. You don’t have to be in management to be a leader. In the same way, it doesn’t mean you are a leader just because you’re in management. Leadership is something you earn. Improve your leadership capacity by improving yourself. People will follow someone worth following. They will follow you, not because of the position you hold, but because of the person you are.
Safety is in the midst of a change in perception: from a compliance program to a lifestyle choice. Processes and procedures are still necessary. But more importantly, be a decent person that cares about the people you work with. People will care about their safety when they know how much you care about them.
Bring a new attitude of safety to your workplace with these free safety posters. Download them now.