Engagement is the biggest problem in the workplace today. The surveys tell us that 71% of employees are NOT fully engaged. And it's not just Gen Y - they only account for 15% of the workforce forcing you to explain the other 56% to make it add up to 71. Stop kidding yourself. The problem is not just young workers.
You would think ...
You would think that a 71% level of disengagement, a serious drop in focused-attention productivity, would be cause for grave concern for companies. After all, lost productivity creates a huge financial mess forcing companies to continue to pay more and get less. You'd think that there would be a hue-and-cry from Corporate North America to find solutions intended to curb this very real problem that is plaguing our workplaces and costing us money.
But there isn't.
It's apparently still not painful enough. If it were painful enough, companies would be doing something about it. But they're still not getting it and here's why: because it an "employee" engagement problem (terribly named as though it's all the employees' fault).
Stop Concentrating On The Wrong Things
In misguided attempts to curb the problem, companies are sending employees to team-building workshops and time-management courses hoping that the engagement problem will get fixed. They're even sending their managers to Leadership courses hoping that will fix it. And yet, the numbers of the disengaged keep on rising.
Focus Here Instead
Engagement involves more than just time management, or leadership or team-building. Lack of engagement is a problem in every corner of every organization:
The highest numbers of certified safety professionals are in the workplace right now and while engagement levels continue to plummet, safety incident numbers are beginning to rise. Safety managers, engagement just became your department!
Get under the hood of your workplace. No department or person should be sacred, untouchable or off-limits in any organization. Everything and everyone should be under the microscope.
Go Outside To Shift Engagement
Consider the idea of a safety speaker to re-engage your people in safety. It brings an outside perspective to your workplace and changes up the message in a fresh way. Also, by utilizing the right outside resource, you may find a voice that can say what you've been thinking, but could never say it without repercussions. Get a good primer in hiring safety speakers first by downloading the e-book, 5 Must-Know's In Hiring A Safety Speaker. Click "Get It Now."